It's been months since my last post, and I may get to that later, but for now: Drugs.
I was at the bus stop thinking about drugs: legal prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, recreational drugs, "street" drugs. I was near a liquor store wondering if I should pick up a six-pack for myself or a bottle of vodka for a friend who's thankfully cut way back, but still drinks every day.
[Flash-forward: I bought and delivered a bottle to him. Nothing for me right now.]
I was thinking about those people who "don't believe in" prescription drugs, and will lecture you on the benefits of more water, yoga, and maybe some St. John's Wort. And I'm fine with all of that; no one's ever lost a tooth from rust, yoga is good for your body and mind and chakras and stuff, St. John's Wort won't give your unborn fetus/baby heart defects ... I'm sure it's all true. But for some people, Jamba Juice just isn't going to cut it. Some people need more than some special blend of herbs and spices - they need DRUGS. DRUGS can figuratively AND LITERALLY be just what the doctor ordered. Voices in your head? Chicken soup, Chamomile tea, and a weekend at the spa are not the solution.
I think it's shitty when someone lectures another person on the evils of psychiatric drugs because it always comes off as arrogant, sometimes lacking any genuine concern or compassion, and may be complete gibberish, scientifically speaking. Ironically, the guy most adamant about the dangers of psychiatric drugs may need them the most. Or maybe he just needs to lay off the bath salts.
(If you want more "Tom Cruise on drugs" - and I don't know why you would - here you go.)
... Where was I? And why did I get all bent out of shape waiting for the bus all by myself? I don't know.
Maybe I need to switch to decaf.
Too Much Coffee Man™© 1999 Shannon Wheeler